The More You Know

Is This Atlantis?

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor
Written by Adrienne


Imagine that one day you are snorkeling off the coast of Mexico when suddenly something below catches your eye. Human figures in a circular formation litter the ocean floor, flowering with underwater plantlife. Have you stumbled across the lost city of Atlantis and its ancient people?

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

Not quite, but they’re still pretty magical.

Jason deCaires Taylor is a sculptural artist who creates underwater installations out of statues that live and grow with the ocean. He places the statues under the water, in areas off the coast of Mexico, the West Indies, and other sites around the world, and then photographs them as they grow and change.

Often, they form a sort of artificial reef for an area lacking one or which has been disturbed by environmental events like storms.

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

The photographs are compelling, with light and shadow dancing across the sculptural forms. The figures almost turn into coral, giving a home to sea algae and other mineral deposits.

Sometimes fish even make an appearance.

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

He has created a number of projects that cropped up in different areas of the ocean, with characters that range from enormous groups of dispersing people to single statues that create their own drama.


Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

Just look at the gorgeous shades of lime green, orange, and bright purple growing on this form.

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

Hopefully this inspired you today.

Underwater Sculptures by James deCaires Taylor

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