Random Awesomeness

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend’s Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues
Written by Adrienne


It was with a considerable amount of nervousness that Andre let his friends take care of his 6-month-old baby during a trip out of town. He extensively briefed Erica and Hannes, an engaged pair of graphic designers, on what to do in every potentially dangerous situation he could think of. Erica and Hannes, noting his nervousness, agreed happily to send hourly updates on how baby Alex was doing.

Well, it seems like maybe he didn’t quite prepare them well enough. Throughout the day, they found themselves in a number of crazy situations, each texted to Andre every hour, on the hour.

But even after fighting vicious rattlesnakes and dinosaurs and bears, baby Alex and his caretakers came out of the day unscathed. Here’s what they got up to:

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

Graphic Designers Babysit Friend's Baby, Pandemonium Ensues

If you enjoyed these crazy scenarios, share them with your friends! What other implausible scenarios can you think up for Erica and Hannes’ next adventure?


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